Steel Sourcing

Titan Steel offers sourcing from the leading mills, traders, service centers and alternative supply sources around the globe. We have deep relationships with many established sources of supply and we continuously seek out new sources to qualify. We regularly audit and monitor all our sources for quality and performance to ensure customers will receive the material required. In addition, Titan Steel works with our customers to mitigate the risk of poorly produced or out-of-specification material.
Titan Steel specializes in implementing bespoke sourcing solutions for our customers. Our deep pool of supply offers customers the most alternatives to suit their needs. Furthermore, our copious sources of supply and our diverse customer base gives us real-time knowledge on the performance and pricing of a wide range of specifications. We are able to dynamically establish the most suitable supply chain for our customers.
Titan Steel is a regular buyer from all the major tinplate mills. Due to our large coverage, we stay current on production levels, changes in quality, changes to specification ranges and changes to pricing levels. Furthermore, Titan Steel is well adapted to working with the mills so that their production planning and execution is completed without error or complication.
In addition to buying prime material from mills, Titan Steel purchases prime excess and secondary steel through blanket programs and off of mill listings and tenders. We have captive supply sources and access to material that is second to none.
With our strategically located service centers, we are able to accumulate and inventory critical specifications, significantly reducing the time needed to get material to customers to provide just-in-time delivery.
Titan Steel has a network of traders and service centers that we can tap to get unusual material. While Titan Steel tries to maintain direct access to mills for our customers’ most critical specifications, occasionally customers have needs that are better handled with an intermediary. In these transactions, customers can rely on Titan Steel’s reputation and capabilities, instead of taking chances with an unknown partner.
Our regular interaction with traders and service centers allows us to hold these suppliers to a higher standard. In addition, we keep the transactions efficient to minimize any additional cost, while maintain our quality control and customer service.
Titan Steel’s large presence in the steel market brings us into contact with alternative supply sources that can benefit our customers. From inventory liquidations to customer rejects to material build-ups, we are often the first call as a potential buyer. While unpredictable as a ongoing sources of supply for a customer, these sources can often offer significant short-term savings.
We have the assets to sort and accumulate this material to get customers quantities that are meaningful. Furthermore, our processing capabilities allows us to put this material together into a Class 1 program that can greatly benefit customers.
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